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Sunday Celebration

9:00 AM & 11:00 AM | Meditation at 10:30 AM

  • January 8, 2023, and continuing every

    2nd Sunday at 12:30 p.m.


    Rev. Peggy Tillery is bringing back this small group to support and inspire all women, and all those who identify as female.  As representatives of the Divine Feminine Principle, this circle will operate with love, compassion, and cooperation with the aim of bringing more light into our lives and as a result, more light onto the planet.  This Circle will be a safe place to express ourselves as we explore topics pertinent to us as women that can inform and motivate us.  In addition to sharing, we may also engage in meditation, art, music, movement, etc.


    Please sign up in the Lobby. Contact Rev. Peggy for questions at pe************@gm***.com or 916-872-3352.