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Sunday Celebration

9:00 AM & 11:00 AM | Meditation at 10:30 AM

Announcing “NEVER TOO OLD,” or N2O for short!

Inspired by “Just Say No to Graceful Aging” workshop from Rev Dr Georgia Prescott. Many of the 40-plus who attended requested continuing on in some format. 

We gather monthly on 4th Sundays to share our mutual experiences, successes, guidance to our particular quality of life issues, and of course the decades of valuable life lessons. And perhaps most important, making new connections with others travelling this odyssey together.

Join us as we build a community sharing health info, lifestyle choices, retirement strategies, shoulders to lean on … the possibilities are endless! Welcome to your new tribe! Open to any who may define themselves as “Seniors.”

Facilitated by Barbara Johnson MSW and Steve Marlowe RScP