Reception Only- Five hour wedding time reservation
- Wedding coordinator on site
- Use of catering kitchen
- Guest chairs for up to 250
- Coordination with vendors
- Pre-screened preferred vendors
- Room set-up & tear down
Ceremony & Reception- Six hour wedding time reservation
- One hour rehearsal scheduled the week of wedding
- Wedding coordinator on site
- Bride & Groom dressing rooms
- Use of catering kitchen
- Guest chairs for up to 250
- Coordination with vendors
- Pre-screened preferred vendors
- Room set-up & tear down
- (Minister available upon request)

Let’s Get Started!
Call to view the Church and Wedding areas
The Center for Spiritual Awareness
1275 Starboard Drive
West Sacramento, CA 95691
(916) 374-9177
Congratulations! It is a powerful step you are about to make as you consider joining the Center For Spiritual Awareness. Becoming a member is much more than taking a class and standing up on a Sunday morning. It is a process of unfoldment in your life. A shift takes place within you as you gain a sense of belonging and realize you are a part of something greater than yourself.
As you become a greater part of The Community That Love Is Building you have a voice in choosing our future, and in being part of this powerful spiritual community. It is our hope that you will find many satisfying ways to participate here.
This community changed my life in so many positive ways; I am so grateful to have found it. I know that you will also discover the Divinity within you, your authentic self, bring to the Light past wounds so they can be healed, and enjoy the company of many like-minded people.
The Board of Trustees, ministers staff, and our Practitioners are here to support you. As your minister, I am here for you.
Rev. Rick Harrell
Senior Minister & Pastor
Rev. Dr. Georgia Prescott
CSA Founder

Will I become committed to the church family and increase my sense of belonging.
YES [x] NO [ ]
Will I make a positive statement of personal support for the mission, vision, values and the purpose of the Center For Spiritual Awareness?
YES [x] NO [ ]
Will it be a declaration of my intention to consciously live my life by the principles of Science of Mind and Spirit?
YES [x] NO [ ]
Can it increase my commitment to experiencing my own Divinity and the Oneness of all life?
YES [x] NO [ ]
Can it increase my experience of being fully alive and on purpose?
YES [x] NO [ ]
Must I give up my freedom of choice regarding my :financial commitment to this church? Will anyone come to my house asking for money?
YES [ ] NO [x]
Will I have to attend Sunday services at CSA each week without exception?
YES [ ] NO [x]
Have a Prayer Request? Use the Button Below:
Principles of the Science of Mind and Spirit Philosophy - Modernized
We believe in God, the Living Spirit, the Life Force within, around, and through all living things.
We believe God is Infinite in Its ability to express through everything It creates.
We believe the Universe in which we live is orderly and harmonious because it is the expression of this all-knowing, ever-present Creator we know as God.
We believe that God’s Spirit is within all humanity and that each of us possesses a soul which is eternal, immortal, and continually expanding.
We believe that God is personal to all who feel this Presence.
We believe the Kingdom of Heaven is within us and that we experience this as we become conscious of God’s goodness and love through us.
We believe that God is immediately and directly available to everyone.
We believe that Truth is revealed to us through our intuitive and spiritual nature.
We believe that our intentions become the action of our lives because God always responds to our expectations.
We teach the Science of Mind and Spirit Philosophy; however, we are not prescriptive about personal belief - We are a diverse community.