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(916) 374-9177

Sunday Celebration

9:00 AM & 11:00 AM | Meditation at 10:30 AM

A Centers for Spiritual Living Licensed Spiritual Practitioner (RScP) is a person of high spiritual consciousness and deep understanding of the spiritual nature of Life; a deep and personal relationship with the Divine is prominent. The Licensed Spiritual Practitioner is trained in the study of the Science of Mind, and in the art, science and skill of Spiritual Mind Treatment, also known as Affirmative Prayer. Licensed Spiritual Practitioners are dedicated to the cause of helping others and sacred service, licensed to practice professionally, and bound by a high code of ethics while providing a safe and confidential space for clients.

To become a CSL Licensed Spiritual Practitioner a person must complete a rigorous multi-year required course of study, pass a comprehensive background check and written exam, and be approved by an oral panel consisting of ministers and practitioners. Their licenses are renewed every other year after approval of required continuing education credits and service hours within a CSL-Affiliated Community.

    • Students who have the required six prerequisite courses qualify for entry.
    • Professional Practitioner Training leads to licensing with Centers for Spiritual Living.
    • Training is offered through Center for Spiritual Awareness, other Individual Centers for Spiritual Living Affiliated Communities, or the Centers for Spiritual Living Online Education Program. Onlinie training requires permission from the senior minister.

Pathway to Becoming a Licensed Practitioner

Center for Spiritual Awareness offers certificated courses to anyone who is seeking spiritual growth. Certificated courses are Science of Mind based and teach spiritual principles and practices in a variety of topics. Students of certificated courses are registered with the Spiritual Development Education Department and have a permanent student record with Centers for Spiritual Living. Many students takes courses for spiritual and personal development. However, students who accumulate six certificated courses across four course categories are eligible for entry into Practitioner Training.

Below is a list of each CSL Certificated course by category. Certificated courses are offered through the Center for Spiritual Awareness. Click on each course to see a course description.

Certificated Courses


Choose One:



Choose One:


Choose Three (1 course may be a consciousness elective):


Once students have completed the required 6 prerequisite courses, students can apply for entry into Practitioner Training. Entry into the Practitioner Training takes into consideration a number of factors, beyond simply completing the prerequisite courses.