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Sunday Celebration

9:00 AM & 11:00 AM | Meditation at 10:30 AM

Foundations of the Science of Mind Class with Rev. Rick 

Would you like to enhance your spiritual connection to a Higher Power?

Are you ready to discover your emerging direction and purpose and how to make it happen? Join Rev. Rick for 11 weeks of self-discovery and revelation within an experiential lecture, discussion, sharing, and process format. In the all-new Foundations class, learn the nine spiritual principles and practices that will change your life for the better forever. Sign up now for this adventure with other like-minded individuals in a safe, supportive environment. You can learn to make your dreams a Reality!

Starting: Sat. Jan. 6, 2024, for 11 weeks, 11 am – 2 pm

Required Text: The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes, please purchase in advance 

Fee: $70 includes $45 CSL Registration & $25 for Course workbook 

Review Fee: $45 for previous participants. Includes $20 CSL Registration & $25 Course Workbook

New members and visitors: Free

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